Ensure your EHR systems are being updated to align with CDC guidance for HPV vaccination for adults aged 27-45 years¹
The updated CDSi (Clinical Decision Support for Immunization) will now state “Not Complete”a instead of “Aged Out”b as the patient series status for unvaccinated adults aged 27-45 years2,3
a“Not Complete” is a patient series status that indicates the patient has not yet met all of the ACIP recommendations for the patient series.³
b“Aged Out” is a patient series status that indicates the patient exceeded the maximum age prior to completing the patient series.³
Consult your IT/EHR team to incorporate this update into your system
Some systems may require a manual update—share this helpful information today.
CDSi translates clinical recommendations into technical decision-making support⁴
CDSi keeps decision-making tools (Immunization Information Systems, Electronic Health Records, Health Information Exchanges) up-to-date with current CDC recommendations to automate vaccination needs at the patient visit.⁵
What does this update mean for your HPV vaccination conversation?
CDC recommendation for adults¹
HPV vaccination is recommended for appropriate adults aged 27-45 years.
Your recommendation should be based on shared clinical decision-making (SCDM).²
Shared clinical decision-making (SCDM)²
SCDM recommendations are intended to be:
- flexible
- informed by characteristics, values, and preferences of the patient
- supported with clinical discretion
Recommend HPV vaccination to all appropriate adults aged 27-45
- Recommended adult immunization schedule for ages 19 years or older, United States, 2024. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Addendum updated June 27, 2024. Accessed August 21, 2024. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/imz-schedules/downloads/adult/adult-combined-schedule.pdf
- CDSi Supporting Data Version 4.56: Antigen Supporting Data – HPV-508. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. July 11, 2024. Accessed August 21, 2024. https://www.cdc.gov/iis/cdsi/
- CDSi logic specification for ACIP recommendations. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. February 23, 2024. Accessed August 22, 2024. https://www.cdc.gov/iis/downloads/logic-spec-acip-rec-4.5.pdf
- Clinical decision support for immunization (CDSi). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Last reviewed August 6, 2024. Accessed August 9, 2024. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/iis/downloads/CDSi-miniGuide.pdf
- Clinical decision support for immunization (CDSi). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Last reviewed August 6, 2024. Accessed August 22, 2024. https://www.cdc.gov/iis/cdsi/